How’s it going everybody, it’s Lucas Scheele with KC Pier and Kansas City Property Guys. And today we’re actually out in Kansas City, Kansas talking about waterproofing. Going to be looking at a house that has a little bit of a different story to it because it involves KC Pier as well as Kansas City Property Guys. KC Pier is going to be doing the foundation side of it while Kansas City Property Guys are going to be rehabbing the full inside of the house. So we can get this ready for a rental. So lucky for us, we got Eric Scheele, the president of KC Pier and Kansas City Property Guys here on site today and he’s going to explain the outside. And we also have Brian Dufour, our Director of Operations for KC Pier down in the basement and he’s going to give you the lowdown on the inside. So let’s do this guys.
Waterproofing Kansas City, Kansas
Eric Scheele:
Hey. Today we’re out in Kansas City, Kansas, and we’re working on a KC Property Guys house with KC Pier. And we happen to have the whole crew out here together. So we’re going to be going over some of the KC Pier work right now. I’m going to take the exterior side, and then Brian, our project manager that’s actually inside, is going to walk through some of the inside work today as well. But this particular house has a really hard negative grade from the road heading directly into the house, and so we’ve been taking on quite a bit of water. And so the KC Pier guys were here yesterday and have dug this exterior drain system in that’s three and a half foot deep that gets us below the footer. And the reason we put this in is to help keep the dirt away from the interior drain that Brian and the guys are actually installing right now.
Eric Scheele:
And so this is a three and a half foot exterior drain that wraps to negative grade around the corner. And we’ve also taken a lot of dirt from this particular drain system and we’ve created a positive grade around the house as well, which we’re going to show you. And so we’re going to head inside and take a look at why we put this particular drain in. And again, we’re just simply there as a precautionary to capture the first round of water coming off of that street, trying to keep the interior drain nice and clean so it can function to its full capacity. And we’re doing this again in conjunction with the KC Property Guys as they rehab this particular property and we get it ready for a rental. And so let’s head inside and take a look at what Brian and the guys are doing.
Interior Drain System
Brian Dufour:
And now we’re inside, and what we’re doing is we’re taking extra precaution on what Eric went over outside with the French drain system. We’re putting in an interior drain system and a pump just in case of the mass floods that we did. And since the crawlspace was dug down, we wanted to make sure that we got all the water taken care of all the way through. And what we did over here is something a little different is, instead of moving the hot water tank, we put in a grate drain in front of it so that way there’s no extra expense to the homeowner to move the hot water tank and put it back. So we’re trying to save them some money and still take care of all the issues at once.
If you need help waterproofing your basement like this Kansas City home, schedule a consultation with KC Pier today!